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Cement bond paving supply and Installation R250
R 250
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16 days ago173 views
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W e l c o m e t o k c h o m e r e n o v a t i o n s
we deliver quality guaranteed services to our clients with a traceable references and recomendations we specialise on the following
# wheatstone full brick
# cement bond
# clay rok half bricks
# wheatstone half bricks
# tar surfaces
# cobbles
# artificial grass
# interlocking paving
our outstanding paving projects will always meet client expectations
we do both domestic and industrial projects
no job is too big or too small for us have a piece of mind knowing that your property ix in good hands contact us today for absolutely free of quotation!!
contact us 0849219940
or visit us on www kc kc home renovationsbuildingconstruction and maintanance22
Id Subtitle 1280527843
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Charles Karonga
Selling for 3+ years
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We do paving around Cape Town
We are professional on paving
We fit and supply all the materials needed and labour until the job is completely done
We offer better price per square metre
We specialize on paving
We also deliver bricks
Half brick
Cement bond brick
Wheatstone bricks
Interlocking brick
Full brick
All types of paving we do
For your paving
Contact ASHLEY call or WhatsApp on
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Contact f/price
Builders Yard stockist of:*Sand per m3 or bag *Stone per m3 or bag* Cement (bag only)*Top Soil per m3 or bag * Mulch per m3 or bag* Bark per m3 or bag* Gabion Rock* Retaining Wall Bocks* Decretive stone * Pavers Second hand materialsSecond hand bricksWoodRoof sheets We deliverContact Sean Kleynhans 071 2785 940 or visit us at 9 Miletary Road Retreat opposite Kirstenhof car hire.
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G r e e n a n d f r e s h g r a s s s t r a i g h t f r o m t h e f a r m
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p r o f e s s i o n a l s w i t h i m m e n s e e x p e r i e n c e i n i n s t a l l a t i o n & l a y i n g o f i n s t a n t r o l l o n l a w n + i r r i g a t i o n s y s t e m s [ m a n u a l ● t h e s e a r e t h e f o l l o w i n g t y p e s o f l a w n w e d e a l w i t h ÷ 1▪ k i k u y u= r38m2 2▪ l m b e r e a = r95 m2 3▪ b u f f a l o = r95 m2 4▪ g u l f g r e e n= r65 m2 5▪ k w e e k c y n o d o n = r65 m2 p r e p a r a t i o n this digging , removal of old lawn , grass, weeds even new lawn if you need achange to ensure great results we dig up to the rooting system so that there is no chance of old type of lawn or weeds growing back disturbing newly planted grass 3 l e v e l i n g we then rake away all unnecessary debris like roots from old lawn or grass, raking away all stones, lumps of soil which can cause the land to be uneven we do this using a metal rake 4 c o m p o s t or f e r t i l i s e r m i x i n g we then spread some organic compost or replace with fertiliser to add all needed plant nutrition for fast root development , root capture and keeping moisture into the ground so that your newly planted lawn will establish itself as fast as possible nb w e a l w a y s d e l i v e r f r e s h l a w n , t h e c o r r e c t m2 y o u o r d e r, t h e c o r r e c t t y p e o f l a w n o r d e r d • we always consider e f f i c i e n c y , p u n c t u a l i t y to make sure at the end of the day we o f f e r you a professional , customer guaranteed service
g a r d e n o r g a n i c p r o d u c t s i n s t o c k:
a) compost
r600 per cube
b) lawn dressing
r600 per cube
c) topsoil r600 per cube
potting soil r600
enquiries for our price lists please call number on 0672707801 send a massage throughour inbox you can also 45visit whats app 0672707801
thank you
regarding alex
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